Is Ellen DeGeneres Really Leaving Netflix for Good? Find Out in Her ‘Last Special’ Announcement!

ellen degeneres makes a 'last special' announcement - find out if she is really leaving netflix for good!

Is Ellen DeGeneres really saying goodbye to Netflix for good? Fans are buzzing about her latest announcement of a ‘last special.’ Find out all the details in our article! 🌟🎥 #EllenDeGeneres #NetflixSpecial

Ellen DeGeneres Returns to Netflix for a New Stand-Up Comedy Special

Ellen DeGeneres has announced that she is making a comeback on Netflix with a new stand-up comedy special. This comes five years after her last special on the streaming service and four years after a scandal rocked her reputation in the entertainment industry.

The Special Will Address the Scandal and DeGeneres’ Decision to Retire as a Comedian

In her announcement, DeGeneres revealed that the upcoming special will tackle the scandal and address the questions that everyone has been asking. She confirmed that this will be her last special as a comedian. Fans can expect to hear her perspective on the controversy and gain insight into her decision to retire.

A Recap of the Controversy Surrounding DeGeneres

In 2022, DeGeneres faced a workplace scandal that led to the cancellation of her long-running talk show. Allegations of sexual harassment and racism against the show’s executive producers were exposed by BuzzFeed News. DeGeneres took personal responsibility for the toxic workplace culture and apologized to her staff. The scandal took a toll on her reputation and self-esteem.

DeGeneres’ Comeback and Road to Redemption

Since the scandal, DeGeneres has mostly stayed out of the public eye. However, she recently embarked on a series of stand-up comedy shows, where she addressed her experiences and the impact the scandal had on her career. She expressed that it was a devastating time and that she felt like the “most hated person in America.”

Now, with her upcoming Netflix special, DeGeneres has the opportunity to end her comedy career on a high note. She will be able to share her side of the story and show her fans her growth and resilience.

Netflix Provides a Platform for DeGeneres’ Final Special

Netflix, known for its extensive comedy specials, is thrilled to have DeGeneres returning to their platform. The special will be produced by Ben Winston and Fulwell73, and it will coincide with DeGeneres’ multi-city stand-up tour, starting in June.

Excitement and Anticipation for DeGeneres’ Last Special

Fans and industry insiders are eagerly awaiting DeGeneres’ final special. Robbie Praw, VP of Stand-Up and Comedy Formats at Netflix, expressed his excitement to see what DeGeneres creates. He praised her as a true legend and pioneer in the comedy world.

With her honesty and humor, DeGeneres has the power to captivate audiences and leave them with a lasting impression. Her last special on Netflix promises to be an unforgettable moment in comedy history.