In a speech delivered in Dresden, Germany, on Monday May 27, President Emmanuel Macron urged Europeans to be aware of the growing fascination with authoritarian regimes. Two weeks ahead of the European elections, the head of state warned against the rise of the far right and the “ill wind” blowing across Europe, calling for an awakening to defend democracy.

“Let’s look around us at the fascination with authoritarian regimes, let’s look around us at the illiberal moment we are living through,” declared Emmanuel Macron at the Fête de l’Europe, addressing an audience made up of Germans, Czechs and Poles. He began and concluded his speech in German, asserting, “The far right, this evil wind is blowing in Europe, it’s a reality, so let’s wake up!”

An Unprecedented Moment for Europe

For Emmanuel Macron, Europe is going through an unprecedented period in its history, forcing it to rethink its defense and security autonomously, particularly in the face of a persistent Russia. “As much as necessary, we will help Ukraine protect its soil and defend our security,” he stressed.

A New Growth Model

The President also addressed Europe’s economic challenges, stressing the need to build a new growth paradigm focused on massive investment in climate and decarbonizing economies. “European growth will require artificial intelligence, innovation, research, massive investment, to build our future,” he asserted ambitiously.

Proposal to double the European budget

Macron proposed doubling the European budget, either by increasing its size, by joint borrowing strategies, or by using existing instruments. He also insisted on the need for Europe to better protect itself commercially, particularly in the face of competition from the USA and China, by instituting a “European preference” in certain areas such as defense and space.

What shall we remember?

Emmanuel Macron called on Europeans to act with strength and ambition to build a common future, emphasizing the importance of defense, security and a sustainable, innovative growth model.