As streaming platforms continue to revolutionize the entertainment industry, Netflix has set its sights on creating a major production hub in the heart of the New Mexico desert. With the potential to rival Hollywood’s influence and output, this bold move by the streaming giant raises questions about the future of filmmaking and the power dynamics within the industry.
Netflix’s Grand Opening in Albuquerque

Netflix has recently thrown open the doors to its newly expanded studios in Albuquerque, New Mexico, turning the spotlight on a potential future powerhouse in the entertainment industry. With the ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the completion of a massive expansion, Netflix’s commitment to its new home is not to be underestimated.
The Ambitious Growth of Netflix Studios Albuquerque
Back in 2018, Netflix made headlines by acquiring ABQ Studios for a modest $30 million, further padded with state and local funding and production tax credits. The original facility boasted eight soundstages spread over 132,000 square feet on 28 acres. Fast forward to today, and Netflix’s ambitious growth plan has added four new soundstages, three mills, a production office, two stage support buildings, and two dedicated backlot areas, now covering a sprawling 108 acres.
A Huge Economic Boost for New Mexico
From 2019 to the present, Netflix has injected nearly $575 million into productions within New Mexico. This massive investment includes the hiring of over 4,000 cast and crew members between 2021 and 2023, showcasing Netflix’s dedication to fostering local talent. Factoring in other productions utilizing Netflix Studios Albuquerque, the total investment approaches a staggering $900 million.
Productions That Call Albuquerque Home
Since acquiring the facility, Netflix has turned Albuquerque into the backdrop for numerous blockbuster shows and movies. Some notable mentions include:
- “Stranger Things” Season 4
- “The Harder They Fall” by Jeymes Samuel
- Zack Snyder’s “Army of the Dead”
- Vince Gilligan’s “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie”
Even better, Gilligan was present at the grand opening and received accolades for his storytelling excellence and his contribution to elevating New Mexico’s profile in the entertainment world, to the point where a crossing in the studio has been named in his honor.
First Studio Purchase and Its Wide Impact
ABQ Studios, the first production studio complex Netflix ever acquired, already had a reputation for hosting big-name productions such as Marvel’s “The Avengers,” “Breaking Bad,” and “Sicario.” With Netflix’s continuous investment, Albuquerque is swiftly transforming into an essential hub for creative professionals.
Recent and Upcoming Productions
The studio is currently buzzing with activity with productions like “Ransom Canyon,” a contemporary Western romance starring Josh Duhamel and Minka Kelly, which has employed over 700 New Mexicans. Other productions include Netflix’s first medical procedural, “Pulse,” and the supernatural series “The Boroughs” from the Duffer brothers, famed for “Stranger Things.”
Commitment to Sustainability
Netflix is not just focusing on quantity but also on quality and sustainability. The expanded Albuquerque studio now features on-site solar and battery storage systems, geothermal heating and cooling, all-electric appliances, and 50 electric vehicle fast-charging stations, underscoring Netflix’s broader commitment to sustainable practices in the entertainment industry.
The question remains: Is Netflix building the next Hollywood in the heart of the New Mexico desert? If their investments and innovative projects are any indication, Albuquerque might just become the new entertainment powerhouse, forever altering the landscape of the film and television industry.